STAAD.Pro Help

M. To create a standard section database from spreadsheet data

To import section data from either a Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet or CSV file, use the following procedure.

Note: Microsoft® Office Excel® must be installed on the same computer as STAAD.Pro in order to use this feature.
  1. On the Home ribbon tab, select the Import Spreadsheet tool from the Standard Profile group.

    The Standard Profile Database Wizard - Import Spreadsheet opens.
  2. Click Browse to locate the spreadsheet file or CSV file to import.

    Each sheet in the spreadsheet will correspond to a table. The first two rows of the sheet are the Field and Units, respectively. Starting with the third row, each row represents a separate profile to include in the table.

    Examples of the data input structure can be found in the following:
    Note: Characters outside of the Latin character set are not supported when importing spreadsheets. Selected spreadsheet files must have file names using only Latin characters (for example, Asian, Greek, Cyrillic characters are not supported).
  3. Type a Filename to use for the database file. By default, the file name of the selected spreadsheet file will be used.

    The file extension (.db3) will be added. The maximum length of the file name is 50 characters. The default value is ProfileDatabase.

  4. Add additional database information:
    Title The title of the database to display in the tree view (in both the Standard Profile Databases dialog and the Section Database Manager application).
    Version Optional version information for the database.
    Description Optional description text for the database.
    Country/ Manufacturer Optional country or manufacturer name for the database.
    Profiles Required profile type of the database sections.
    Icon The icon to display in the tree view (in both the Standard Profile Databases dialog and the Section Database Manager application).

    Click Browse to locate a raster image file (type .bmp or .png) that is 16x16 pixels.

  5. Click Next. The Table Info page is displayed. A table is added for each sheet in the spreadsheet file, with the title of that sheet used as the default table Name.
  6. Select the appropriate Shape from the drop-down.
  7. Repeat step 7 for each table in the database.
  8. Click Finish.
The new database with tables imported from the spreadsheet is added to Section Database Manager as a standard database.